The mailman came, I opened the package like a four year old on a sugar high, and then the light bulb (remember I'm blonde, so go easy on me) went on. I had purchased a cross stitch KIT, not a completed project.
Anyhow....long story short, while on my visit to California, my Mom showed me a cross stitch that my Aunt made, and my Mom always loved. So I'm on a mission to see if I can find a pattern somewhere, or I might have to count it out and chart it myself.
Now that I think about it my house is also painted khaki, so I'd really be in trouble if I started re-arranging the words! Besides, I think it's cute just the way it is!
I am working at a snails pace on one of patterns I purchased but will have show-n-tell when I'm done. Mind you that might be in 3 years........
just came across your blog...its beautiful. I love Kansas...we head down to Atchison twice a year to visit Mary Carol Garrity.
Looking forward to following along.
Hi Nancy! I popped over from Carrie's because I like the name of your blog!! Well, I like your blog, too! Since you don't have followers enabled, I hope you don't mind if I add you to my blog list.
Your kit purchase sounds like something that would happen to me!! LOL!! And like you, I'm very crafty. I must confess I envy your crafting area!! I have a small corner in the master bedroom until daughter #3 flies the coop!! Confession #2 Most of it ends up strewn all over the dining room table when I'm working on a project!! Oh Well, we're working on shelving and other organizational helpers to make the most of my space!!
OK...I'll stop!! I will be back, though!! Love your header, too!!
Have a great weekend!!
Hey!! OMG!! I am so thrilled that I found such a kook!! We ARE kindred spirits, you know!! Looks like your "dummies" book worked!! You figured out how to get the little pictures to show!! YAY for dummies!!
I would have posted a recipe, BUT...I haven't written it down yet!! Right now it's just a pinch of this and a squeeze of that!! (actually, I knew it would torture some poor soul to not have the recipe...guess you're the lucky one!!) HA!!!
I think we're going to get along famously!!
Honestly...I know it!!
Look forward to more fun, new friend!!
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