Me and my favorite son!
My mechanic tattooed son is coming over for dinner tonight with a new lady friend....Sybil. This is our first night meeting her, but I have a motherly intuition that she has already captured someones attention. Mr. Cool, Calm & Collected can't stop talking about her every time I see him. Now would I get pinched, and put into a headlock and get a giant nuggy on my head if he knew I was posting about this? Heck yeah! But what are the chances of the mechanic tattooed son reading ol' Mums blog? Tee he he he....We had to go over the "menu" and when I mentioned Dan-the-Man wanted to grill out some burgers (a normally warm welcomed dinner) someone was wincing and hinting that something more sophisticated needed to be served. Followed by flattery of what great cooks we are, and couldn't we do something else for tonight's dinner.....and oh by the way could you make your apple crumb pie Mum? I guess you have to know a little history. Ms. Sybil is going to graduate from college in May and become a school teacher. She works two jobs, runs in marathons and likes to read! Did you hear that LIKES TO READ. Loves her family, and has her act together! I've seen one picture and she has curly blonde hair and blue eyes and looks like an angel.
It's so cute seeing him so twitterpatted, trying to act like he's NOT twitterpatted, when he is so VERY twitterpatted.
Oh yes, there will be reports tomorrow...have no fear. I may even torture her with pictures on the first visit if I can, because that's how I roll!
Have a great evening and ew do want a full report -- including what you served! Sounds like a delightful girl.
Oh fun! The "likes to read" part is always a good sign. ;) I'm in Iowa by the way.
Oh, what FUN! She sounds like a sweetie and I can tell mom already likes her! Have fun and I cannot wait to hear about it all tomorrow!
This is so funny. In other words...don't do anything to embarrass him, right? Sounds like he's looking for steaks on the grill instead of burgers. This is so cute. Let us know what happens!
Curious minds need to know, like his cousing in California!!!!! He will never read this, so you are safe!
Oh my...I will be anxiously awaiting the sequel to this!
Oh, what a cute scenario - can't wait to hear the outcome!
Meg :)
Can't wait to here how it goes! She sounds like a keeper. Thanks for the kind words today :-)
I'm in love with your music playlist! I added several of your choices to my playlist.. enjoyed the visit here today. Sounds like you're having a good day .. cheers :)
Oh I can't wait to see her picture...and your son is so cute (handsome) the way love the French music! ooh la la
Stay Cozy & Have a great Dinner, Carrie
Oh you are so much like me in just putting it out there. My daughter has been dating this guy for six months now, (BTW drummer in a punk rock band) and he was so shy in coming in to say hi. I decided to go out side when he drove up, about 4 months ago, and introduce myself and wish him a happy 21st birthday all balled into one. The poor guy looked horrified!!!
I told everyone about him too, because yes I'm a blabber mouth :) They met at the local community college, and he is waiting to hear from U.C. Berkeley where he will major in Math. See I'm at it again:) I don't even know you and I'm telling my daughter's whole dating story. HEE HEE. ANYWAY Your son looks like a sweetie.
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