For those of you who are familiar with her blog, already know what a wealth of information she shares. Gourmet cook, Master Gardner, lover of Antiques, and just a joy to visit each day. Thank you so very much for passing these awards to me!
"These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind of bloggers aim to find and to be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated."
I would like to send these awards along to Cathy
and to Valerie !!Cathy has a wonderful cooking blog and has been very generous sharing multiple tidbits of information on blogging tips, help with photography and has helped me become a better blogger. Always up and positive with nothing but kindness and support at all times, she deserves special recognition!!!!
Valerie is just a breath of sunshine. When you visit her blog you can just feel her enthusiasm for her home and her family. She has two beautiful children and is such a goof Mommy to them. I would recommend going on over for a visit and sitting on her front porch for a spell!
Thank you so very much, Nancy. You really made my day. The best part of blogging is the friendship and connection with others. I appreciate your kinds words. It is truly a pleasure getting to know you and visiting your lovely blog.
Nancy, thank you so very much. You too made my day!
Since walking away from a career in education to become a domestic engineer, I have found that blogging allows me to interact during the day with those older than 5 and that use art supplies other than play doh or fingerpaint (although those mediums are quite fun too)! :)
Your blog is such a beautiful inspriation. THank you again!
Nancy -- what sweet things you said! Now, I'm the one who is speechless!
Yes, we shall meet one day -- and the sooner the better!
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